Dr. Ray Henry - Belvedere Senior Pastor
In Memoriam
October 6, 1949 - December 6, 2024
| Welcome to Belvedere Baptist Church. If you're looking for an exciting Bible-believing church with ministry programs for all ages, we believe that you will enjoy worshiping with the congregation at Belvedere Baptist Church. We have many ministry opportunities for you here.
We hope that you will use our website as a communications tool to keep track of what's going on at the church, and also to send us information such as prayer requests, praise reports and let us know how you would like to use your talents as we serve God together.
We have Bible Study and Worship every Sunday Morning and believe in the power of God's Holy Word. We also believe in the power of prayer, and meet each Wednesday evening for a time of prayer and fellowship. If you are interested in spreading God's Word and worshiping with other believers here at Belvedere, please join us as we strive to reach our community with the love of Jesus Christ. Meet you Sunday at 11am.
You can also join us for our Sunday morning service in one of the following ways:
On YouTube
Go to the YouTube site (www.YouTube.com).
Search for BelvedereBaptistChurch.
Click on the BelvedereBaptistChurchOutreach item.
Select the first video.
On this website
Scroll down and click on to the Social Media tab.
Click on the YouTube button to take you to the YouTube site.
Search for BelvedereBaptistChurch.
Click on the BelvedereBaptistChurchOutreach item.
Select the first video.
Service Times
9:45 am |
Bible Study-All ages |
11:00 am |
Worship |
6:00 pm |
Institute of Christian Education |
WEDNESDAY - Family Fun Night |
5:50 pm |
Meal Time |
6:30 pm |
Activities Time |
10:00 am |
Ladies Prayer Group/Bible Study
For times and places of other small group classes and support groups, please call the Church Office at 561-683-2636.
From I95:
Exit at Belvedere Avenue. Proceed West on Belvedere Avenue approximately 1.1 miles to North Congress Avenue. Turn right (North). Proceed North 2 blocks to Cherry Road. Turn left (West) onto Cherry Road. Church is on your immediate right.
From the Florida Turnpike:
Exit at Okeechobee Boulevard. Proceed East on Okeechobee Boulevard approximately 3.1 miles to Congress Ave. Turn right (South) on Congress Ave. Proceed South approximately 0.6 mile to Cherry Road. Turn right (West) onto Cherry Road. Church is on your immediate right.